Friday, August 5, 2016

27/2016 - Sunsets and Lighthouses

Ahhh a beautiful sunset over the ocean - good for the soul! I always think that clouds make for the best sunsets and yesterday after a gloomy day the sun decided to make a brief but brilliant appearance out by the lighthouse. It would seem that this is a popular spot for young families to wind down at the end of the day with a spot of fishing, I can definitely see why!


  1. You've got such a great eye.
    Nice shots.

  2. Beautiful pictures, lovely sunset. Have a wonderful weekend Aimee.

  3. The sunset photos are lovely; never tire of them. It's a plus to be near a lighthouse to see a glowing sunset.

  4. Wow, incredible and dramatic shots!

  5. I absolutely love the details in the first 2 shots!

  6. Beautiful pictures, lovely sunset. Have a wonderful weekend Aimee.


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