Saturday, November 21, 2015

164 - Gloves and Googly Eyes

I love this time of the year - There are so many festivals and markets to wander around in the bright sunshine. For me, the Beaufort Street Festival always feels like the start of Summer (and at 42 degrees I'm pretty sure it did for everyone else too!! There are always some interesting quirky things to see as you mosey along... big googly eyes, weird moving sculptures... definitely my kinda event.


  1. My kind of event!
    Looks crazy and fun . . .

  2. Far too many things happening in Perth, no time to see it all...
    I like the googly eye!

  3. Oh, how fun!! I do wish I could visit Perth!! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend, Aimee!!

  4. So many people out and about in that heat!

  5. The festival seems to be very well attended.
