Friday, January 2, 2015

One - Jewel Spiders on the Bibulmun Track

So photo one and we go straight to something that would generally give me the heebie jeebies - spiders. I'm afraid any spiders that make their way into my house don't get to live long enough to have their portrait taken, but out in the Australian bush they are kinda unavoidable. I caught a shot of this little guy while out hiking on the Bibbulmun track and then just about put myself off bushwalking forever by googling 'Spiders common to the Perth Hills' to find his name. For spiders, these ones are actually quite pretty, I used to refer to them as 'Day of the Dead' spiders because their markings sometimes remind me of sugar skulls. And they are tiny, not even visible in the wider shot. Much better than some of the huge ones I was apparently surrounded by all morning...


  1. Oooo! Semi scary first shot, he looks too pretty though :)
    P.s. j'adore your header shot!

  2. He is cute - but I can do without spiders!

  3. You do have some scary spiders down under, and colorful as well.

  4. Spiders give me the creeps but at the same time I find them fascinating creatures. In Angola a huge Tarantola-like spider was just 20 cms away from my shoulder. Of course I had no idea until someone said "don't move". No need to say I jumped like never before! LOL!
    This one is amazing! Great find.

  5. I'm not a spider fan either. But if I pretend that this is a snippet of a cleverly designed bike helmet - maybe a sea anemone with those sticky out bits, I can appreciate the design.

  6. Beautifully colourful little one, though!
