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Friday, January 30, 2015
Twenty Eight - In the Calm of the Morning...
At the moment, if you were to walk by this area at lunchtime, in the afternoon, in the evening... even in the middle of the night it would be swarming with people looking to hang out and get their culture on. It seems that by walking through in the (very!) early hours of the morning on my way to work I've found the one time that the Fringe World is not super busy. It was kinda nice not to get funny looks from any passers by as I took a very close up photo of the grill on the front of the Fringe World bus... this macro thing really does make me look like a bit of a weirdo sometimes! Very strange weather here the last few days - very hot but the storm clouds have been ever present.Makes for a dramatic photo!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Twenty Seven - Brookfield Bunnies
It's Fringe Festival time! From January 23 to February 22 Perth erupts with a multitude of fabulous artsy things, from comedy to circus acts to burlesque to music and everything in between. As a part of the Festival WA artist Stormie Mills has created the whimsical 'Brookfield Bunnies' which will be roving all over the city. Today I spotted this guy in the Perth Cultural Centre near the Festival Box Office. I'll be keeping an eye out over the next month to see if I can find him hiding in any other places!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Twenty Six - The Zoo Revisited
Ok I wasn't QUITE done with the photos from our trip to the Zoo on the weekend. I can't finish up with a zoo trip without any orangutans... they're my favourites (I even adopted one when I was younger)! The orangutan enclosure has had a major facelift since I was last there. New higher walkways for us and lots of fresh new plants and flowers for the orangutans = a much more pleasant place for all!
Perth Zoo runs an internationally renowned breeding program, which has bred 29 orangutans since 1970. They also directly support the conservation of Sumatran Orangutans in the protected Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem in Sumatra, Indonesia and support projects such as the reintroduction of orangutans into Bukit Tigapuluh, Wildlife Protection Units, habitat and wildlife monitoring, and community education and development.
I couldn't help including one extra close up of young Teliti who was definitely the most energetic (and super cute!) orangutan around while we were there.
Perth Zoo runs an internationally renowned breeding program, which has bred 29 orangutans since 1970. They also directly support the conservation of Sumatran Orangutans in the protected Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem in Sumatra, Indonesia and support projects such as the reintroduction of orangutans into Bukit Tigapuluh, Wildlife Protection Units, habitat and wildlife monitoring, and community education and development.
I couldn't help including one extra close up of young Teliti who was definitely the most energetic (and super cute!) orangutan around while we were there.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Twenty Five - Happy Australia Day!
The beach is both one of my happy places, and the first thing I think of when I try to think of something particularly 'Strayan' for an Australia Day post (followed closely by Vegemite and Tim Tams!). I know its not your typical 'white sandy beaches with ten billion people on them' photo (although had I panned slightly to the left that was available) but I just love the colours and textures in this particular spot. I hope all the Aussies reading this are having a wonderful day however you choose to celebrate and to everyone else, happy Monday!
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
Twenty Four - Happy Birthday Tricia!
As mentioned yesterday, our trip to the zoo was prompted by the birthday celebrations of the beautiful Tricia the elephant. A long time resident of the Perth Zoo, Tricia turned 58 yesterday and to celebrate the zoo docents made a pretty darn magnificent elephant cake packed full of fruit and bran and other things I assume elephants find delicious. Ever the kindly matriarch, Tricia let her young friend Permai both start digging into the cake first AND give it a good smash up later on.
Now that is a happy elephant!! For more photos of Tricia's big day check out Perth Daily Photo :)
Now that is a happy elephant!! For more photos of Tricia's big day check out Perth Daily Photo :)
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Twenty Three - Who's that?
Ok so this ones a little bit of a cheat. My detail is not in my wide shot. But it was in the same enclosure. Just no-one interesting was hanging out with it. And I REALLY wanted to share this shot of the super adorable baby meerkat checking out his own reflection. Because seriously. Regular meerkats make me melt, never mind baby ones. I don't need much of a reason to go hang out at Perth Zoo - it's one of my happy places, but today was Tricia the elephant's birthday so of course Mamma and I had to go in and watch her eat her birthday cake. More on that tomorrow...
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Friday, January 23, 2015
Twenty Two - Locks and Pixels
Ok. I swear, this is my last Wolf Lane post. For a while. There's ever so much art down there I'm very very likely to be back. This last one is by one of my favourite artists from PUBLIC 2014, Pixel Pancho. If you came here from Perth Daily Photo you'll have already seen this one, if not check out my Mum's post here to see Pixel Pancho's work through her very talented eyes. With so much great work around already I'm kinda excited to see what turns up during the PUBLIC 2015 project!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Twenty One - Don't be such a drip!
One the more colorful additions to the walls of Wolf Lane to come out of the PUBLIC 2014 project is this joyous piece by Maya Hayuk. This is a great example of the intricate patterns and beautiful colours that Maya is known around the world for and makes a fabulous entryway to the lane.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Twenty - Bad Wolf
Wolf Lane has been a place to go for cool little bars and tasty food for a while, but thanks to the PUBLIC 2014 project, its now home to a whole lot of super cool street art as well. This mural by Perth artist Hurben was actually ahead of that curve, having been up since 2012, but its still one of my favourites. Thanks for the well wishes on my last couple of posts, I am feeling a bit better today!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Nineteen - Tranquility in Mamma's Garden
Monday, January 19, 2015
Eighteen - Yay for Colour!
The frangipani trees in my garden are going gangbusters at the moment. Check out those colours! I'm feeling decidedly Monday-ish (and a little unwell) today but I can't help but be cheered but by those beautiful pinks and yellows!
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
The Rooftop Movies on top of the Roe Street car park complex is one of my favourite places to go on a balmy summer night in Perth. The view is beautiful (even if the river glimpses we had last year are starting to be blocked out by all of the new buildings going up), they play an awesome range of movies (both new and old classics) and everything up there is just so delightfully kitsch. And boy do I love a bit of kitsch. From the pink flamingos to the plastic basket light shades its just perfect. Tonight's viewing was the ever classic Wayne's World. A pretty good way to wind down after a very busy Sunday. I hope you had fabulous weekends!
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Party Time! Excellent! |
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Sixteen - Healthy Treats
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to cook. I used to do a lot of baking, but as it turns out, big trays of gooey brownies and cakes covered in icing are not that good for you. So as any good baker does, I adjust. I always get excited when I end up with mushy bananas because you know, when you have mushy bananas you have to make banana bread. Or in this case, oat and banana muffins. That taste like banana bread. Low sugar, low fat, still tasty. Good times (although the brownies on occasion are still pretty great).
Friday, January 16, 2015
Fifteen - Something Very Urban
Seeing as I noticed that my blog had been very 'out and about in nature' based lately I wanted to find something urban looking to prove that I don't actually live out in the middle of the bush all the time. This alleyway is down towards Wellington Street and leads to the absolutely fabulous Toastface Grillah which is the best place for fancy toasted cheese sandwiches around (I'm particularly fond of the Apple and Gouda!). I'm sure I'll be back for more colourful photos in this area next time I get a hankering for melted cheese...
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Fourteen - Urban Sanctuaries
I swear, one day I'll do some more urban pictures on here. I do seem to be spending a lot of time wandering around either very green or very blue places lately.... I do love that even though I work smack bang in the middle of the city, I have a number of choices of very pretty places to go get some fresh air on my lunch break. The whole eating lunch at your desk thing really doesn't work for me! This very pretty little pathway can be found in between the Supreme Court Gardens and the Stirling Gardens (where I quite often park myself under the trees with my lunch).
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Thirteen - Pathways Through the Banksias
From burnt out bushland to beautiful greenery. Well actually it was the other way around when I went walking yesterday. I love our native bushland, we have some really interesting plant life. I've always liked banksias (although the cones always remind me of the evil banksia men in the Snugglepot and Cuddlepie books) and something about the photo above just makes me happy. I hope you're all having a great week - I'm on the countdown to having a sleep in on Saturday, this no naps in the afternoon thing is hard!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Twelve - Bushfires and Seed Pods
In Australia unfortunately bushfires are something that we've had to get used to. Last Saturday was a pretty hairy day in Perth with a massive fire in the North Western Suburbs (which is still a threat today). We also had a fire a bit closer to home in my favourite little area of bush to walk and I was quite worried - there is an awful lot of wildlife living there. Thanks to the efforts of our fantastic firemen, this one at least was put out pretty quickly and most of the bushland was able to be saved. Walking through this afternoon it was strange to reach an area that almost looks like a snowy winter scene. It seems that this one may have been deliberately lit - I just don't understand why anyone would do that...
Monday, January 12, 2015
Eleven - Ugh
Well. That's it. I had three wonderful weeks of not getting up early every morning and catching a train to the city. Now the holiday is over and man... first days at work are hard! But hey, looking on the bright side - I'm lucky to have a good job :) Some people would say that my desk is terribly messy. I prefer to think of it as... well lived in. I feel that if your desk is impeccably tidy, you probably aren't doing enough work...
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Ten - Long Walks in the Sand
As I was walking along my local beach yesterday I just about stood on this creepy little fella. Or at least, I thought it was a creepy little fella at first glance. Turns out there was no need to worry about getting my toes nipped, the former inhabitant of this shell was long gone! After a bit of googling I found that crabs actually periodically molt their shells to allow themselves room to grow. So hopefully the former inhabitant of this one had found itself somewhere a little safer to hang out!
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Nine - Penguin Island Featuring Actual Penguins
So it looks like the beachy theme will be carrying on for a couple of days here at Daily Details. I actually went for a 20km beach walk down at my local today and hopefully got a couple of nice shots, but now I'm feeling way too tired to do any editing... so they'll have to wait to tomorrow! These ones are from yesterday at penguin island. Seriously that place is so picturesque there's almost too many photos to choose from. The plants all over the island were very samey, but I did like these little berries I happened to spot as we were wandering around.
And, just because it IS called Penguin Island...
The penguins are actually pretty shy, these were the only two out in the wild that we managed to spot, but if I was penguin sized and surrounded by huge scary humans I'd hide away too!!
And, just because it IS called Penguin Island...
The penguins are actually pretty shy, these were the only two out in the wild that we managed to spot, but if I was penguin sized and surrounded by huge scary humans I'd hide away too!!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Eight - Penguin Island
Growing up in Perth I was surrounded by people who were like "man, I can't wait to get out of here". Lots of people who thought it was too boring. I personally don't understand those people. Hopefully in the future as this blog goes along I'll be able to show you a few of the MANY things happening in our beautiful city (and if you've come here from Perth Daily Photo then you've already seen some of them!). But cool bars, arts festivals and awesome street art aside, we are also so very spoilt with world class beaches (I'm lucky enough to live a 5 minute drive away from one of these and take advantage of that fact as often as possible). Today I went a little further for a trip out to Penguin Island. I haven't been since I was in school and I have no idea why, its beautiful! The teeny bubble above was found inside one of the pools that had formed in the rock formations on the sand below.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Seven - Critters Up Close part 2
How beautiful is this little guy?!
So beautiful I couldn't decide on a single picture of him! While wandering around the Yellagonga Regional Park yesterday these little dragonflies were flitting all over the place. I've always had trouble catching pictures of dragonflies, but it turns out that if you sit really still (or in my case half lie on the ground with your butt in the air to get a good angle really still) they are quite happy to pose for you!
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